
EIT FOOD — szkolenie

Szanowni Państ­wo,

EIT FOOD w ramach swo­jego wspar­cia eksper­ck­iego orga­nizu­je szkole­nie z przed­siębior­c­zoś­ci dla stu­den­tów, dok­toran­tów, post-doców, młodych naukow­ców i osób wkracza­ją­cych w świat biz­ne­su z regionu RIS*.

Szkole­nie odbędzie się w dni­ach 23 – 29 Maja 2019 w Olsz­tynie.

Aplikować moż­na do koń­ca mar­ca 2019, a do połowy kwiet­nia będzie znana lista 30 wyse­lekcjonowanych uczest­ników.

Szczegółowe infor­ma­cję zna­jdą Państ­wo poniżej oraz na stron­ie http://pan.olsztyn.pl/eitfood/vs2019/



Dear Col­leagues,

We kind­ly ask you to fur­ther dis­sem­i­nate the infor­ma­tion on the upcom­ing EIT Food RIS Ven­tur­ing School to be held from 23rd to 29th of May 2019 in Olsz­tyn, Poland.

The main aim of this 7‑day train­ing man­aged by pro­fes­sion­al tutors will intro­duce par­tic­i­pants to sev­er­al top­ics such as: inno­va­tions in food sec­tor, human nutri­tion in food sys­tems, food and dig­i­tal dis­rup­tions, as well as busi­ness mod­el gen­er­a­tion and pre­sen­ta­tion pitch­ing. Par­tic­i­pants will work in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary teams, iden­ti­fy­ing prob­lems, pro­to­typ­ing viable solu­tions with a val­i­dat­ed val­ue propo­si­tion and pitch­ing their projects in front of a pan­el of experts.

Our meet­ing is orga­nized by Matis (Ice­land), Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge (Eng­land), VTT Tech­ni­cal Research Cen­tre of Fin­land and Insti­tute of Ani­mal Repro­duc­tion and Food Research PAS (Poland).

All under­grad­u­ate, grad­u­ate, PhD stu­dents, post-docs, ear­ly-stage researchers and young pro­fes­sion­als, who are working/studying in one of the RIS regions*, aged at least 18, are wel­come to apply for the EIT Food RIS Ven­tur­ing School. There is no pre­con­di­tion con­cern­ing study back­ground.

We high­ly appre­ci­ate your sup­port in shar­ing our EIT Food RIS Ven­tur­ing School details with your col­leagues to uti­lize this meet­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty.

Feel free to con­tact us for any infor­ma­tion: ventureschool2019@pan.olsztyn.pl

We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you in Olsz­tyn!

Best regards,

Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee

*EIT RIS regions/countries are as the fol­low­ing: Alba­nia, Arme­nia, Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina, Bul­gar­ia, Croa­t­ia, Cyprus, Czech Repub­lic, Esto­nia, Faroe Islands, Geor­gia, Greece, Hun­gary, Italy (only regions: Molise, Puglia, Basil­i­ca­ta, Cal­abria, Sicil­ia, Sardeg­na, Umbria, Marche, Abruz­zo, Cam­pa­nia, Valle d’Aosta), Latvia, Lithua­nia, Mal­ta, Moldo­va, Mon­tene­gro Poland (only regions: Łódzkie, Lubel­skie, Małopol­skie, Pod­karpack­ie, Świę­tokrzyskie, Pod­lask­ie, Wielkopol­s­ki, Lubuskie, Dol­nośląskie, Opol­skie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Zachod­niopo­morskie, Mazovia Region­al – with­out Mazovia-Cap­i­tal); Por­tu­gal, Repub­lic of North Mace­do­nia, Roma­nia, Ser­bia, Slo­va­kia, Slove­nia, Spain (only regions: Gali­cia, Prin­ci­pa­do de Asturias, Cantabria, La Rio­ja, Castil­la-la Man­cha, Extremadu­ra, Illes Balears, Andalucía, Región de Mur­cia, Canarias, Castil­la y León, Aragón, Comu­nidad Valen­ciana), Turkey, Ukraine.

  • Opublikowano: 6 marca 2019
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