

With­in the EIT Health project: „Train the Train­er to tack­le chal­lenges in the future of health and raw mate­ri­als inno­va­tions — SMART Teacher” we are look­ing for aca­d­e­m­ic teach­ers and lec­tur­ers in the fields of nurs­ing ser­vices, phys­io­ther­a­py, nutri­tion, health sci­ences and health­care enablers to par­tic­i­pate in a four-day work­shop with a 6‑week fol­low-up.

The work­shop pro­gram with­in the project will:

- edu­cate you to under­stand and expe­ri­ence entre­pre­neur­ial mind-set and the prin­ci­ples of entre­pre­neur­ship, lead­er­ship, inno­va­tion

- pre­pare you to teach entre­pre­neur­ship so that your stu­dents start to think and act more entre­pre­neuri­al­ly

- help defin­ing (with involv­ing indus­try part­ners) a 6‑week chal­lenge-base project

The course will be an inter­ac­tive, prac­tise-ori­ent­ed work­shop and will include teach­ing con­tents: exer­cis­es, case stud­ies, teach­ing meth­ods, real chal­lenges, exer­cis­es, inter­views with indus­try part­ners and super­vi­sion of stu­dent projects (a 6‑week fol­low-up of the work­shop). The project team will recruit the stu­dents’ group and sup­port and men­tor you along all activ­i­ties to pro­vide the best out­comes and hands-on expe­ri­ence.

The pro­gram will focus on devel­op­ment of tech­niques help­ing you bet­ter align the ele­ments of entre­pre­neur­ship and inno­v­a­tive­ness with­in you future didac­tic activ­i­ties and enable you to design and run a tai­lored and sus­tain­able edu­ca­tion cur­ricu­lum to fos­ter entre­pre­neur­ial and inno­va­tion activ­i­ties.

The pro­gram will be con­clud­ed with cer­tifi­cates for par­tic­i­pants.


Work­shop date: 06/11/2017–09/11/2017

Orga­niz­er: Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz

Reg­is­tra­tion: https://eithealth.wufoo.eu/forms/z143bwpr0z7p942/

Dead­line for reg­is­tra­tion: 20th of Octo­ber

  • Opublikowano: 5 października 2017
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godło Polski

Uni­w­er­sytet Medy­czny w Łodzi
Ale­ja T. Koś­ciusz­ki 4
90–419 Łódź
NIP 7251843739
REGON 473073308