
The BUP Mobility Research Grant Programme for young researchers

The BUMobil­i­ty Research Grant Programme for young researchers


It is our plea­sure to announce the Mobil­i­ty Research Grant Pro­gramme 2017 with­in the Baltic Uni­ver­si­ty Pro­gramme. The main aim with the Mobil­i­ty Grant is to devel­op and strength­en the co-oper­a­tion among young researchers in the Baltic Sea Region. The grant is intend­ed to sup­port young schol­ars from BUP mem­ber uni­ver­si­ties who´s research pro­mote sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. The grant win­ner will be invit­ed to present the research at a BUP con­fer­ence, as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­sem­i­nate results, ideas and cre­ate intra-net­work co-oper­a­tion.




·    The Mobil­i­ty Grants Pro­gramme is open to PhD stu­dents and Post.doc schol­ars from all BUP mem­ber       uni­ver­si­ties;

·    The appli­ca­tions can be made for the mobil­i­ty fund­ing of new research projects (in whole or in part), or     as a finan­cial con­tri­bu­tion to ongo­ing ones — as far as the appli­cant stay at anoth­er uni­ver­si­ty in the Baltic Sea Region dur­ing the Mobil­i­ty Grant peri­od. The idea is that the grant will cov­er trav­el and accom­mo­da­tion which will be han­dled by the BUP co-ordi­nat­ing sec­re­tari­at in Upp­sala.

·    Appli­cants rep­re­sent­ing any dis­ci­pline are wel­come to apply;

·    The pro­posed research project needs to be direct­ly con­nect­ed to the field of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment and the Baltic Sea Region.


The Grants


A lim­it­ed num­ber of con­tri­bu­tions will be award­ed to a max­i­mum total val­ue of 3000 Euros. Mobil­i­ty Grant peri­od should be end­ed no lat­er than 31 of Decem­ber 2018. Report from the Grant should be sent no lat­er than 3 month after end­ed Mobil­i­ty Grand peri­od. The appli­ca­tions will be assessed by the Baltic Uni­ver­si­ty Sci­en­tif­ic Com­mit­tee accord­ing to the fol­low­ing cri­te­ria.


·    Originality: The degree to which the pro­posed project is point­ing to new, orig­i­nal ideas in sus­tain­abil­i­ty; grasp­ing and devel­op­ing the con­cept of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment in unique and unex­pect­ed direc­tions;

·    A state­ment of your plan for co-operatiowith the host uni­ver­si­ty while stay­ing there as a guest researcher, and if rel­e­vant, co-oper­a­tion also with oth­er part­ners in the Baltic Sea region;

·    Although inter‑disciplinarity is not a strict require­ment,  projects deemed to have a poten­tial of cross­ing tra­di­tion­al dis­ci­pli­nary bound­aries, espe­cial­ly the divi­sion line between social and nat­ur­al sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy will attract spe­cial atten­tion in the eval­u­a­tion;

·    Project has focus on the Baltic Sea Region;

·    The time peri­od spend at the host­ing uni­ver­si­ty is min­i­mum one month.

·    An invi­ta­tion let­ter from the host­ing uni­ver­si­ty is required.



The final dead­line for appli­ca­tions is 31 of Octo­ber 2017The appli­ca­tion form is avail­able on the BUP web­site. Signed appli­ca­tion form includ­ing all attach­ments is to be scanned and sent elec­tron­i­cal­ly to Mag­nus Lehman (Magnus.Lehman@csduppsala.uu.se) at the BUP co-ord. sec­re­tari­at no lat­er than 31 of Octo­ber 2017. ​


Direc­tor Madeleine Granvik
Ph:+46–471 xxxx

The Baltic Uni­ver­si­ty Pro­gramme
Upp­sala Cen­tre for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Depart­ment of Earth Sci­ences, Upp­sala Uni­ver­si­ty Villavägen16, SE-75236 Upp­sala, Sweden​

  • Opublikowano: 28 sierpnia 2017
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