

TRUDIE-ROBERTSCen­trum Edukacji Medy­cznej zaprasza pra­cown­ików i stu­den­tów naszego Uni­w­er­syte­tu na zor­ga­ni­zowane w ramach pro­gra­mu CSM spotka­nia z Pro­fe­sor Trudie Roberts — Prezy­den­tem AMEE – Między­nar­o­dowej Orga­ni­za­cji Edukacji Medy­cznej oraz Dyrek­torem do spraw Edukacji Medy­cznej na Uni­w­er­syte­cie w Leeds. Jest ona lau­re­atką wielu nagród z zakre­su edukacji medy­cznej, w przeszłoś­ci pełniła między inny­mi funkcję prze­wod­niczącej ASME — Sto­warzyszenia do Spraw Badań na Edukacją Medy­czną, człon­ka GMC — Naczel­nej Rady Medy­cznej Wielkiej Bry­tanii oraz Cen­zo­ra Królewskiego Sto­warzyszenia Lekarzy. Zain­tere­sowa­nia naukowe Pro­fe­sor Roberts kon­cen­tru­ją się na prob­lematyce egza­minowa­nia w naukach medy­cznych oraz pro­fesjon­al­izmie lekarskim.

W ramach wiz­y­ty na naszej uczel­ni Pro­fe­sor Roberts poprowadzi następu­jące wykłady i warsz­taty:

26 lip­ca- wtorek
9.30–10.40 wykład: Clin­i­cal Skills for the 21st Cen­tu­ry
11.00–14.30 warsz­taty: What are the clin­i­cal skills we need to teach med­ical stu­dents?

27 lip­ca- śro­da
9.00–10.00 wykład: Pro­fes­sion­al Integri­ty: Chal­lenges and con­se­quences
10.30- 15.30 warsz­taty: Assess­ing Pro­fes­sion­al­ism: the great­est chal­lenge
(poniżej pub­liku­je­my ory­gi­nalne opisy powyższych sesji przesłane przez Pro­fe­sor Roberts)

Lokaliza­c­ja: Cen­trum Dydak­ty­czne UMED, ul Pomors­ka 251
Tele­fon kon­tak­towy: 795 245 140

Prosimy o mailowe przesyłanie zgłoszeń na adres med-edu@umed.lodz.pl
Ist­nieje możli­wość reje­strowa­nia się na wybrane ses­je.
Ze wzglę­du na ogranic­zoną liczbę miejsc na warsz­tat­ach (25 osób) obow­iązy­wać będzie kole­jność zgłoszeń.


Lec­ture: Clin­i­cal Skills for the 21st Cen­tu­ry
Although we con­tin­ue to test our stu­dents, both under­grad­u­ate and post­grad­u­ate, in per­form­ing clin­i­cal exam­i­na­tion skills which have been around for cen­turies; the way we will prac­tice med­i­cine in the future will be very dif­fer­ent than how we have done this in the past. In this talk I will high­light the rev­o­lu­tion­ary influ­ence that tech­nol­o­gy is hav­ing on health­care deliv­ery and why we need a sim­i­lar rev­o­lu­tion in what clin­i­cal skills we need to teach our stu­dents to equip them to pro­vide the best med­ical care in the future.

Work­shop: What are the clin­i­cal skills we need to teach med­ical stu­dents?
In this work­shop we will exam­ine what are the clin­i­cal skills that we need to teach our stu­dents so that they can work in a very chang­ing envi­ron­ment. How will we deliv­er these and how can we sup­port the acqui­si­tion of these skills. What is the role of sim­u­la­tion in sup­port­ing the devel­op­ment of these skills? Who should be involved in teach­ing the skills and how will we know if stu­dents have acquired them?

Lec­ture: Pro­fes­sion­al Integri­ty: Chal­lenges and con­se­quences
Cheat­ing is com­mon­ly defined as break­ing the rules to gain advan­tage. How com­mon is cheat­ing in med­ical school exam­i­na­tions? It prob­a­bly occurs more fre­quent­ly than we would like to think. Why do stu­dents do it and how do they jus­ti­fy it when found out? Is cheat­ing more moral­ly wrong in would-be doc­tors than in oth­er stu­dents? Are some types of cheat­ing worse than oth­ers? How can we expose this type of decep­tion and how can we deter stu­dents from decid­ing to cheat in assess­ments. How blame­less are Fac­ul­ty when stu­dents cheat? Indeed do they some­times col­lude in cheat­ing and why are they so reluc­tant to report cheat­ing when it is dis­cov­ered. In this pre­sen­ta­tion I will explore these issues and look at the dilem­ma posed by med­ical stu­dents, trainee doc­tors and Fac­ul­ty who are aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly dis­hon­est.

Work­shop: Assess­ing Pro­fes­sion­al­ism: the great­est chal­lenge
Cur­rent­ly med­ical pro­fes­sion­al­ism is very much in the pub­lic and med­ical eye. The GMC, employ­ers and med­ical schools have to address issues around the teach­ing and assess­ment of pro­fes­sion­al­ism at all lev­els.

The aim of this work­shop is to facil­i­tate a bet­ter under­stand­ing of teach­ing and assess­ing pro­fes­sion­al­ism in the under­grad­u­ate med­ical cur­ricu­lum, although the gen­er­al prin­ci­ples are applic­a­ble to the post­grad­u­ate area. As part of the work­shop, we will devel­op an under­stand­ing of the issues of pro­fes­sion­al­ism in med­ical stu­dents. Build­ing on this we will look at the ele­ments of pro­fes­sion­al­ism that are desir­able and how to devel­op a pro­gramme of assess­ment to ensure grad­u­at­ing doc­tors are aware of and com­mit­ted to these val­ues in their work­ing lives. Final­ly will also look at the pos­si­bil­i­ty of reme­di­a­tion of poor pro­fes­sion­al behav­iour.

  • Opublikowano: 15 lipca 2016
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godło Polski

Uni­w­er­sytet Medy­czny w Łodzi
Ale­ja T. Koś­ciusz­ki 4
90–419 Łódź
NIP 7251843739
REGON 473073308