Potwierdzenie udziału Uczelni w powstaniu badań

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Potwierdzenie udziału Uczelni w powstaniu badań

  1. Robak T, Błońs­ki J, Skot­nic­ki AB, Piotrows­ka M, Wró­bel T, Ryb­ka J, Kłoczko J, Bołkun Ł, Budziszews­ka BK, Wal­czak U, Uss A, Fidec­ka M, Smolews­ki P. Rit­ux­imab, cladrib­ine, and cyclophos­phamide (RCC) induc­tion with rit­ux­imab main­te­nance in chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia: PALG — CLL4 (ML21283) tri­al. Eur J Haema­tol. 2018 May;100(5):465–474.

Acknowl­edge­ments: The study was sup­port­ed by grant fund­ing from Roche Poland ML21283 tri­al, the Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz, Poland: Grants: No. 503/1–152-01/503–11-002, 503/1–093-01/503–11-003 and 502–03/8–093-01/502–64-032.

  1. Robak T, Blon­s­ki JZ, Wawrzy­ni­ak E, Gora-Tybor J, Palacz A, Dmoszyn­s­ka A, Konop­ka L, War­zocha K, Jam­rozi­ak K. Activ­i­ty of cladrib­ine com­bined with cyclophos­phamide in front­line ther­a­py for chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia with 17p13.1/TP53 dele­tion: report from the Pol­ish Adult Leukemia Group. Can­cer. 2009 Jan 1;115(1):94–100.

Sup­port­ed in part by the grants from the Min­istry of Sci­ence, War­saw Poland (2P05B01828) and the Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz (503‑1093‑1) and by the Foun­da­tion for the Devel­op­ment of Diag­nos­tics and Ther­a­py, War­saw, Poland.

  1. Robak T, Smolews­ki P, Cebu­la B, Grzy­bows­ka-Izy­dor­czyk O, Błońs­ki JZ. Rit­ux­imab plus cladrib­ine with or with­out cyclophos­phamide in patients with relapsed or refrac­to­ry chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia. Eur J Haema­tol. 2007 Aug;79(2):107–13.  Acknowl­edge­ments

This study was sup­port­ed in part by grant from the Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz (no. 503‑1093‑1) and by the Foun­da­tion for the Devel­op­ment of Diag­nos­tics and Ther­a­py, War­saw, Poland.

  1. Robak T, Jam­rozi­ak K, Gora-Tybor J, Blon­s­ki JZ, Kasznic­ki M, Dwilewicz-Tro­jaczek J, Wiater E, Zdunczyk A, Dybow­icz J, Dmoszyn­s­ka A, Woj­taszko M, Zdziars­ka B, Cal­bec­ka M, Kostyra A, Hell­mann A, Lewandows­ki K, Stel­la-Holowiec­ka B, Sulek K, Gawron­s­ki K, Skot­nic­ki AB, Nowak W, Zaw­ils­ka K, Molen­dow­icz-Por­ta­la L, Kloczko J, Sokolows­ki J, War­zocha K, Sefer­yn­s­ka I, Ceglarek B, Konop­ka L. Cladrib­ine in a week­ly ver­sus dai­ly sched­ule for untreat­ed active hairy cell leukemia: final report from the Pol­ish Adult Leukemia Group (PALG) of a prospec­tive, ran­dom­ized, mul­ti­cen­ter tri­al. Blood. 2007 May 1;109(9):3672–5.

This work was sup­port­ed by a grant from the Min­istry of Sci­ence (no. 2P05B01828).

  1. Wierzbows­ka A, Robak T, Plu­ta A, Wawrzy­ni­ak E, Cebu­la B, Hołowiec­ki J, Kyr­cz-Krzemień S, Grosic­ki S, Giebel S, Skot­nic­ki AB, Piatkows­ka-Jakubas B, Kuliczkows­ki K, Kiełbińs­ki M, Zaw­ils­ka K, Kłoczko J, Wrze­sień-Kuś A; Pol­ish Adult Leukemia Group. Cladrib­ine com­bined with high dos­es of ara­bi­noside cyto­sine, mitox­antrone, and G‑CSF (CLAG‑M) is a high­ly effec­tive sal­vage reg­i­men in patients with refrac­to­ry and relapsed acute myeloid leukemia of the poor risk: a final report of the Pol­ish Adult Leukemia Group. Eur J Haema­tol. 2008 Feb;80(2):115–26.

This work was in part sup­port­ed by the grant of Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz No. 503‑1093‑1.

  1. Robak T, Smolews­ki P, Urban­s­ka-Rys H, Gora-Tybor J, Blon­s­ki JZ, Kasznic­ki M. Rit­ux­imab fol­lowed by cladrib­ine in the treat­ment of heav­i­ly pre­treat­ed patients with indo­lent lym­phoid malig­nan­cies. Leuk Lym­phoma. 2004 May;45(5):937–44.

The study was sup­port­ed in part by the grant from the Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz (No 503–106‑2) and by the Foun­da­tion for the Devel­op­ment of Diag­nos­tics and Ther­a­py, War­saw, Poland.

  1. Robak T, Błońs­ki JZ, Kasznic­ki M, Góra-Tybor I, Dwilewicz-Tro­jaczek J, Bogu­radz­ki P, Konop­ka L, Ceglarek B, Sułek J, Kuliczkows­ki K, Wołowiec D, Stel­la-Hołowiec­ka B, Skot­nic­ki AB, Nowak W, Moskwa-Sro­ka B, Dmoszyńs­ka A, Cal­bec­ka M. Cladrib­ine com­bined with cyclophos­phamide and mitox­antrone as front-line ther­a­py in chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia. Leukemia. 2001 Oct;15(10):1510–6.

This work was sup­port­ed in part by grant No. 4P05B06019, from KBN, War­saw, Poland.

  1. Robak T, Góra-Tybor J, Lech-Marań­da E, Błońs­ki JZ, Kasznic­ki M. Cladrib­ine in com­bi­na­tion with mitox­antrone and cyclophos­phamide (CMC) in the treat­ment of heav­i­ly pre-treat­ed patients with advanced indo­lent lym­phoid malig­nan­cies. Eur J Haema­tol. 2001 Mar;66(3):188–94.

Acknowl­edge­ments: This work was sup­port­ed in part by Grants nos. 4PO 5B06019 from KBN, War­saw, and 503±107±2 from the Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz, Poland.

godło Polski

Uni­w­er­sytet Medy­czny w Łodzi
Ale­ja T. Koś­ciusz­ki 4
90–419 Łódź
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