Potwierdzenie udziału Uczelni w powstaniu badań
- Robak T, Błoński J, Skotnicki AB, Piotrowska M, Wróbel T, Rybka J, Kłoczko J, Bołkun Ł, Budziszewska BK, Walczak U, Uss A, Fidecka M, Smolewski P. Rituximab, cladribine, and cyclophosphamide (RCC) induction with rituximab maintenance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: PALG — CLL4 (ML21283) trial. Eur J Haematol. 2018 May;100(5):465–474.
Acknowledgements: The study was supported by grant funding from Roche Poland ML21283 trial, the Medical University of Lodz, Poland: Grants: No. 503/1–152-01/503–11-002, 503/1–093-01/503–11-003 and 502–03/8–093-01/502–64-032.
- Robak T, Blonski JZ, Wawrzyniak E, Gora-Tybor J, Palacz A, Dmoszynska A, Konopka L, Warzocha K, Jamroziak K. Activity of cladribine combined with cyclophosphamide in frontline therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia with 17p13.1/TP53 deletion: report from the Polish Adult Leukemia Group. Cancer. 2009 Jan 1;115(1):94–100.
Supported in part by the grants from the Ministry of Science, Warsaw Poland (2P05B01828) and the Medical University of Lodz (503‑1093‑1) and by the Foundation for the Development of Diagnostics and Therapy, Warsaw, Poland.
- Robak T, Smolewski P, Cebula B, Grzybowska-Izydorczyk O, Błoński JZ. Rituximab plus cladribine with or without cyclophosphamide in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Eur J Haematol. 2007 Aug;79(2):107–13. Acknowledgements
This study was supported in part by grant from the Medical University of Lodz (no. 503‑1093‑1) and by the Foundation for the Development of Diagnostics and Therapy, Warsaw, Poland.
- Robak T, Jamroziak K, Gora-Tybor J, Blonski JZ, Kasznicki M, Dwilewicz-Trojaczek J, Wiater E, Zdunczyk A, Dybowicz J, Dmoszynska A, Wojtaszko M, Zdziarska B, Calbecka M, Kostyra A, Hellmann A, Lewandowski K, Stella-Holowiecka B, Sulek K, Gawronski K, Skotnicki AB, Nowak W, Zawilska K, Molendowicz-Portala L, Kloczko J, Sokolowski J, Warzocha K, Seferynska I, Ceglarek B, Konopka L. Cladribine in a weekly versus daily schedule for untreated active hairy cell leukemia: final report from the Polish Adult Leukemia Group (PALG) of a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial. Blood. 2007 May 1;109(9):3672–5.
This work was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Science (no. 2P05B01828).
- Wierzbowska A, Robak T, Pluta A, Wawrzyniak E, Cebula B, Hołowiecki J, Kyrcz-Krzemień S, Grosicki S, Giebel S, Skotnicki AB, Piatkowska-Jakubas B, Kuliczkowski K, Kiełbiński M, Zawilska K, Kłoczko J, Wrzesień-Kuś A; Polish Adult Leukemia Group. Cladribine combined with high doses of arabinoside cytosine, mitoxantrone, and G‑CSF (CLAG‑M) is a highly effective salvage regimen in patients with refractory and relapsed acute myeloid leukemia of the poor risk: a final report of the Polish Adult Leukemia Group. Eur J Haematol. 2008 Feb;80(2):115–26.
This work was in part supported by the grant of Medical University of Lodz No. 503‑1093‑1.
- Robak T, Smolewski P, Urbanska-Rys H, Gora-Tybor J, Blonski JZ, Kasznicki M. Rituximab followed by cladribine in the treatment of heavily pretreated patients with indolent lymphoid malignancies. Leuk Lymphoma. 2004 May;45(5):937–44.
The study was supported in part by the grant from the Medical University of Lodz (No 503–106‑2) and by the Foundation for the Development of Diagnostics and Therapy, Warsaw, Poland.
- Robak T, Błoński JZ, Kasznicki M, Góra-Tybor I, Dwilewicz-Trojaczek J, Boguradzki P, Konopka L, Ceglarek B, Sułek J, Kuliczkowski K, Wołowiec D, Stella-Hołowiecka B, Skotnicki AB, Nowak W, Moskwa-Sroka B, Dmoszyńska A, Calbecka M. Cladribine combined with cyclophosphamide and mitoxantrone as front-line therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia. 2001 Oct;15(10):1510–6.
This work was supported in part by grant No. 4P05B06019, from KBN, Warsaw, Poland.
- Robak T, Góra-Tybor J, Lech-Marańda E, Błoński JZ, Kasznicki M. Cladribine in combination with mitoxantrone and cyclophosphamide (CMC) in the treatment of heavily pre-treated patients with advanced indolent lymphoid malignancies. Eur J Haematol. 2001 Mar;66(3):188–94.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported in part by Grants nos. 4PO 5B06019 from KBN, Warsaw, and 503±107±2 from the Medical University of Lodz, Poland.