
Crossing the Border of Humanity: Cyborgs in Ethics, Law, and Art

Inter­na­tion­al Online Con­fer­ence Cross­ing the Bor­der of Human­i­ty: Cyborgs in Ethics, Law, and Art.

The idea of being a cyborg is as allur­ing as it can be repul­sive (at least to some). Lit­er­ary and pop-cul­tur­al visions of becom­ing a cyborg and becom­ing a nation of cyborgs have seduc­tive­ly tak­en hold of our imag­i­na­tion, result­ing in a preva­lent, yet sim­plis­tic, image of a one-laser-eyed being with a robot­ic limb. This unan­i­mous pic­ture makes it osten­si­bly evi­dent what a cyborg is and what (s)he/it is not. We are, after all, by no means some­thing like a Borg!

Więcej infor­ma­cji: https://cyborgsconference.com/

  • Opublikowano: 7 grudnia 2021
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