
Edinburgh Winter Stroke School February 2019 & Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund /Boloz-Kulesza Trust Fund Scholarships

Apply­ing for the schol­ar­ship and for the course are 2 sep­a­rate exer­cis­es.

  1. Appli­ca­tion for a schol­ar­ship. The clos­ing date for this is 14th Decem­ber 2018. A list of those to whom a schol­ar­ship should be award­ed will be drawn up by the schol­ar­ships com­mit­tee.
  2. Appli­ca­tion for the Edin­burgh Win­ter Stroke School 2019. The clos­ing is like­ly to be in Jan­u­ary 2019 and has yet to be announced. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion see: https://www.ed.ac.uk/clinical-brain-sciences/postgraduate-training/edinburgh-stroke-winter-school

The Win­ter Stroke Team will select the suc­cess­ful appli­cants for the course based on their course appli­ca­tions. They also have a wait­ing list in case some­one can­not take up their place for what­ev­er rea­son.

Pol­ish Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty schol­ar­ship appli­cants who have been select­ed for a Pol­ish School of Med­i­cine Memo­r­i­al Fund /Boloz-Kulesza Trust Fund Schol­ar­ship and are also a suc­cess­ful with their course appli­ca­tions will be informed that they have a schol­ar­ship and a place on the course.

All unsuc­cess­ful schol­ar­ship appli­cants will be con­tact­ed by e‑mail to advise them that they have not been suc­cess­ful. Appli­cants should be aware that the num­ber of appli­cants may be greater than the schol­ar­ships avail­able and in these instances dif­fi­cult choic­es have to be made by the schol­ar­ships com­mit­tee. Fur­ther feed­back will be giv­en if request­ed.

Note: There may be oth­er Pol­ish appli­cants offered a place on the course who did not apply for a schol­ar­ship / were not eli­gi­ble to apply for a schol­ar­ship or were unsuc­cess­ful with their appli­ca­tions. Those indi­vid­u­als will have to iden­ti­fy an alter­na­tive source of fund­ing or pay the fees, accom­mo­da­tion etc by them­selves.

  • Opublikowano: 3 grudnia 2018
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godło Polski

Uni­w­er­sytet Medy­czny w Łodzi
Ale­ja T. Koś­ciusz­ki 4
90–419 Łódź
NIP 7251843739
REGON 473073308